Rachel Roy has partnered with Macy's to found her newest line, RACHEL Rachel Roy. The collection is a perfect combination of the designer's high end, modern glam ascetic and wearable contemporary fashion. RRR is exclusively sold at Macy's, RACHEL Rachel Roy SoHo Pop up shop [111spring street] and RachelRoy.com. Prices range from 60-200 dollars.
Rachel will introduce the new RRR Collection in person at Macy's Herold Square this Thursday (9/10) at 6pm.

When I first heard the news of the joint venture I was unmoved. With so many Chain store- Designer collaborations, the practice has seemed to become aimed at both sides making more money from being exposed to a new demographic with no love put into the product. Rachel Roy definitely breaks that pattern, reminding us that she started out designing and eventually directing Rocawear Juniors before moving on to her own sophisticated collection.
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