Only Built 4 Cuban Linx Part II: train music
Raekwon's solo album is basically an ill extention of 8 Diagrams with a little less karate flic and a little more street. Rap vets, like the Lox and Beenie, were feature artists along with members from Wu. Head nodding bass and elaborate lyrics make it ideal for listening to during a commute with your headphones in so, you can hear every word. The album artwork is dope because it refers back to the first Cuban Linx album.
Only Built 4 Cuban Linx [Part I] Album Artwork
Ghostdini Wizard of Poetry in Emerald City: work music
This album artwork is classic Ghostface Killah: opulent and fantastical with Ghost positioned as the overseer. I think he got all his grimy lyrics out on the Cuban Linx album because this LP is definietyly for the ladies. Lyrics are sensitive, honest and sometimes lewd addressing a lot of relationship issues. Guest spots were filled by a unique blend of upbeat R&B singers making the album soulful and catchy. Perfect for jamming while you work.
I don't know how I survived the whole summer without this album! Q-tip combines upbeat, happy production with interesting, fast paced lyricism with out getting corny. The result, something you could listen to when you are about to get to work or while you're pre-gaming and getting ready to go out. The album art work is monotonous, though, consisting of different variations and views of the cover look.
I waited so long to buy the first Q-Tip Album, he had time to make another album and relase it! Actually this album was created a while ago, but Tip's record label at the time refused to release it. Now, at Battery Records, he was given the opportunity to release his "lost tape". This album is nothing like The Renassiance. It's a lot more organic, jazzy neo-souly. An extention of Got Till It's Gone's [Janet Jackson feat. Q-Tip] vibe. Still good, but defiently won't wake you up. That's why I think it's best fitting for the music you would play while drinking a night cap or getting into some sexy time.

Black Summers' Night: Chill Flow/ Sexy Time Music
I put this Maxwell album on the "to buy" list because I thought I heard a jam coming from someone's car with his voice over it. I think it was Bad Habits that I heard, the first track on the CD. The album starts out upbeat, gets into more of his smoother stuff and then finishes with an energetic, jazzy instrumental. It's like the neo-soul equivalent to Jay Z's Blue Print 3 with all the instrumentation. While the album does have it's climaxes, it's nothing you would shake your ass to in the club, so it's ideal for the chill flow.
The Fame: Work/ Getting Ready to go out/ Train music
The lady Gaga album was a bit of a dissapoint from both a song and album art work point of view. I bought the album because I love all her singles and needed to have them on hand to play when I wanted. Unfortunately those where all the good songs. In addition to her pop, electronic, hip hop infused singles were these Cindy Lauper meets Christina Aguilera lyrics over Love Shack like beats. Then, the album photos only featured one look. This from the lady that had litterally 7 wardrobe changes for the VMA's? Total bummer, but I'm chalking it up to her being a new artist trying to find her niche with a beginners budget . I still love you Gaga.
Jackson 5, The Ultimate Collection: Impulse buy
Right after MJ passed away I downloaded this mixtape by DJ Jaycee named Michael Jackson: The soulful years [download here ]. It features Jackson Five songs with those crazy, soul-funk beats that a lot of hip hop producers sample now. When I saw this album in Target I remembered how I wished I had those mix tape songs in full legth and just grabbed it with out looking at the song titles. Totally not the songs I was looking for, but good to have in the libary. Album artwork was almost nonexistent.
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